Now there are more perks available for adopting an active and fit lifestyle. With the launch of mymo, we have an activity tracker that rewards for staying fit. mymo is a discrete, clip-on device, which is not much larger than a coin.
It tracks users’ steps, distance, and calories wirelessly on an iPhone, Android smartphone, or via the computer to motivate users to achieve their fitness goals. The 6 month battery life means no charging worries or digging around for lost cables. But, most importantly, it is the only device available worldwide that lets users cash in steps for Amazing Rewards!
With 12-month device and rewards packages starting at 3,999 INR, users can track their movements and earn ‘MyMiles’ then convert them to practical rewards like talk time, groceries, airline miles and even international vacations mymo rewards users simply for being active and keeps them motivated as they reach their fitness goals.

Our initial research showed an 85% dropout rate in the first few weeks of buying a wearable device. The key factor lies in motivation. People need very strong incentives to incorporate activity into their daily schedule. Tupelo has decided to provide that missing incentive to get going and stay engaged.”Martyn Molnar, CEO, Tupelo.
In addition to keeping track of user’s daily activity, premium subscribers will also be able to access Tupelo’s prevention and intervention programs. A personal coach takes stalk of the user’s personal telemetry and drives them towards better lifestyle choices. The program also offers 24/7 remote access to a doctor, empowering users to make the best health choices possible.
Further commenting on this Martyn added“Embracing healthier lifestyle choices around activity and nutrition will result in huge dividends for the individual, the country and the economy. 80% of premature onset of chronic disease can be prevented and in some cases reversed by regular activity and a healthy diet. Just a simple 2% reduction in the annual, national level of chronic disease death rates in the next 10 years could add $15bn to the national economy – according to the WHO.”
mymo is just the tip of the Tupelo iceberg. In the coming months, the company aims to build a comprehensive wellness platform in India. Based on a slew of cloud based, socially integrated, smart devices, Tupelo is designing a single repository of individual health data, allowing users to take control of their own wellbeing and fitness.
In celebration of the launch of mymo, the first and only activity tracker with a built in rewards program, Tupelo is rewarding its first customers with real gold.
The first 1,000 customers to buy a mymo will automatically be entered into a program in which their daily activity can earn them a full gram of gold. In order to be eligible for the program, users simply need to sign up their mymo device and then meet the daily steps goal on their mymo for 60 consecutive days. Goals start at 3000 steps a day then adapt to users lifestyle to build custom goals for each user.
Tupelo is driving the message that it pays to be active. Investing in your health is like investing in gold, with both investments paying off over time. This is especially true in a place like India where 80 per cent of deaths due to lifestyle problems such as high blood pressure, hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes, unhealthy diets. Through proper exercise and diet these factors can be reduced and diseases prevented.